Conferenza internazionale il 15 ottobre, a Chieti in diretta su Fisioterapia.TV

Si svolgerà martedì 15 ottobre, presso l’Auditotium del Rettorato nel Campus di Chieti, il 10th IBRA Conference organizzato dalla International Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy, su “Toward the Realization of Two Paradigm Shifts; Restructuring the Rehabilitation medicine, and Consciousness Change Enabling the Elderly Contribution to the Super-Aged Society Sustainable”.Il congresso, presieduto dai professori Camillo Di Giulio e…

Arthroscopic Augmentation With Subscapularis Tendon in Anterior Shoulder Instability With Capsulolabral Deficiency

Marco Maiotti – Carlo Massoni Abstract  The treatment of chronic shoulder instability with poor quality of the anterior capsulolabral tissue is still controversial. In these cases the Latarjet procedure is certainly more effective in preventing recurrence than an arthroscopic capsular repair. However, several studies have reported a variety of severe complications related to the Latarjet…